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Why’s it so hard to write about yourself?
It’s squeaky bum time! Today I am listening to recordings of four client interviews to create case studies. As a copywriter, I do this all the time without batting an eyelid, but today feels very different.
5 ideas to kick-start your creativity
Not a creative? Lacking in content ideas? This post is for everyone who thinks they aren't a creative type. Read and prove yourself wrong.
A step by step guide to content planning
Creating a content plan and sticking to it seems to be the biggest hurdle for most people. In this post I'm tackling content planning, where to find ideas and inspiration and how to make and maintain a useful planner document.
Which is more effective on LinkedIn? A rockstar profile or interesting content
Discover the four essential elements of a good quality, effective LinkedIn profile. Find out how to create the LinkedIn footprint of someone people know, like and trust to do business with.