Comma Sense Blog
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Wowsers! Eight years of Comma Sense Copywriting
Eight years is a long time, but it doesn’t feel like a long haul to me. I still feel the same challenge, excitement and achievement. Let’s take a look at some significant moments.
Why’s it so hard to write about yourself?
It’s squeaky bum time! Today I am listening to recordings of four client interviews to create case studies. As a copywriter, I do this all the time without batting an eyelid, but today feels very different.
A Magnificent Seven for Comma Sense
With a shimmy, hurrah and a flourish it’s time to celebrate seven (you read it right, seven!) years of digital copywriting and blogging.
Let’s talk about six (years in business)
Celebrating success is something we should all do more often. When we achieve success as a small business owner, we tend to swiftly move on to the next job and forget all the good stuff that’s just happened.
When life gives you lemons, make a lemon drizzle
I’ve been running my own business for 5 years - that’s longer than I’ve ever been employed. Today I'm saying a big ‘Yee Hah’ to running your own business!
How to get over the fear of asking for testimonials
Testimonials are like gold dust. These snippets of success not only prove that you can do what you say, they’re also valuable content to use across all your communications.
How to write a case study
Case studies are valuable content to have on your website or as a pdf to send to potential clients. This post outlines the key benefits and how to structure and write a case study.
Four years in business - flirting with failure and finding my niche
It’s become tradition at this time of year to reflect on the highs and the lows of the last 12 months. Four years have passed at the speed of light!
A revelation in problem solving
Sometimes you need to ask for help to solve a problem. But some of us are reluctant to admit that we need it. If you can start a business, surely you can solve anything that comes our way, right?
Three years and still a start-up business?
When is a start-up no longer a start-up? Here’s to celebrating three years of Comma Sense, lessons learned and highlights achieved. Drum roll please…
When is the right time to walk away?
I stopped working with a long-term client. We’d been working together for 18 months; I’d been writing their blog posts and monthly newsletter.
Getting to know you: the art of blogging for clients
It’s 5am at Liverpool Airport on a dark, rainy October morning. We’re waiting for our flight to Portugal and I make a new friend. She was around eight or nine years old.
Saw this and thought of you! 3 comms tips from birthday cards
I always shop around to find the perfect birthday card. If I can’t find it in the shops, I’ll revert to a trusty online shop that usually comes up with the goods.
Why computers will never rule the blogosphere
Can you see a time when bloggers will be redundant and computers rule the blogosphere, or are real-life human bloggers here to stay?
My awesome first year in business - in numbers
I’m so proud of everything I’ve achieved over the last 12 months, so thought I’d review the year and share some of my achievements with a numerical blog post.
Why it’s ok to tell stories
I’ve heard lots of motivational speakers during my career and the people who stand out for me all do one specific thing - they tell stories.