Comma Sense Blog
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How to get over the fear of asking for testimonials
Testimonials are like gold dust. These snippets of success not only prove that you can do what you say, they’re also valuable content to use across all your communications.
How to write a case study
Case studies are valuable content to have on your website or as a pdf to send to potential clients. This post outlines the key benefits and how to structure and write a case study.
5 ways you could be failing your own blog
Starting a blog for your business is a big decision. It’s also a good decision. Blogging is a fantastic way to share ideas, showcase expertise and build trust with prospective clients.
Why deleting content is as important creating it
Quality control is crucial. There’s no point adding stuff to your website if, when someone lands on it, what they read is neither relevant or valuable.
Four years in business - flirting with failure and finding my niche
It’s become tradition at this time of year to reflect on the highs and the lows of the last 12 months. Four years have passed at the speed of light!
How to blog when you’re too busy to blog
Once you learn how to write blog posts that stand the test of time, it’s that little bit easier to cheat every now and again.
Reasons to use a copywriter No2: Writer’s block
You’ve been sitting at your computer for a good hour. But you’re not typing. In fact you’ve written very little. Do 3 bullet points count?
Reasons to use a copywriter No1: Buzzword Bingo
Make the words on your website and company literature easy for customers to understand. There’s no room for clichés, business buzzwords or formulaic statements. Clients want content that’s simple to digest and understand. They want answers to their questions. Business buzzwords overcomplicate content and customer experience.
Which is more effective on LinkedIn? A rockstar profile or interesting content
Discover the four essential elements of a good quality, effective LinkedIn profile. Find out how to create the LinkedIn footprint of someone people know, like and trust to do business with.
8 juicy new tips to inspire your blog posts
I love inspiring others to showcase their business expertise through blogging. Read my top takeaways from a book that helped me rediscover my blogging mojo.
A revelation in problem solving
Sometimes you need to ask for help to solve a problem. But some of us are reluctant to admit that we need it. If you can start a business, surely you can solve anything that comes our way, right?
Three years and still a start-up business?
When is a start-up no longer a start-up? Here’s to celebrating three years of Comma Sense, lessons learned and highlights achieved. Drum roll please…
The best time to get creative
I don’t subscribe to the theory that some people are creative and some are not. We are all creative in our own way.
How to start a blogging notebook
Start a blogging notebook is one of the recommendations I make to people who would like to start blogging for business (or pleasure). Keeping a notebook is a fantastic way to capture your ideas.
Is it better to blog on your website or LinkedIn?
After ‘How long should a blog be?’, whether to blog on a website or LinkedIn is the question people always ask me. The answer depends on how you want your blog to work for you.
Written communication is getting worse, and I’m not happy about it!
My name’s Lucy, and poor spelling, punctuation and grammar make me very angry. Some promotional signage for a local healthy eating restaurant has been driving me mad.
Break out from your comms routine
I like a good challenge, especially a mental one. So when a friend set me a challenge to combine my obsession with breakout rooms and blogging, this is what I came up with.
A communications masterclass from Kensington Palace
When you have a big announcement to share it’s important to get the communications right. Nobody remembers average. We all remember when things go wrong, and also when we experience excellence.
Five web copywriting lessons from the allotment
Have you ever experienced that moment when you open a blank word document ready to write and your mind goes completely blank, with no idea where to start? It’s natural to feel that way when you are redeveloping your website.
Why I love blogging - and you should too
In writing and sharing a blog on your website, you’re not only produce fresh content (which Google loves by the way), but also showing all that’s great about you and your business.